Muenichreiterstr. 52/23, A-1130 Vienna, Austria



Member's Corner

Ven. Aghama Anomuoghanran IMADE

The Venerable Aghama A. Imade, DCP, holds a Bachelor's degree in Industrial Arts Education from the Virginia State University, Petersburg, VA, USA. He is also an Alumni of the prestigious: Haggai Institute for Advanced Christian Leadership Training, Singapore.

The Venerable Aghama A. Imade, was also a Deputy Controller of Prisons (DCP) of the Nigerian Prisons Service (now Nigeria Correctional Service), Abuja, Nigeria. He had several managerial positions in the service before he retired as the Head of Prisons Industry section (nationwide) under the division of Inmates' Training and Productivity (ITP).

The Venerable Imade, joined the priesthood of the Anglican Communion at the Diocese of Kaduna in 2010 as a nonstipendiary. He was preferred an Archdeacon by the lord bishop, the Rt. Rev'd. Timothy Yahaya, Bishop and Diocesan of the Diocese of Kaduna in the year 2020.

He is also currently a Trustees' Board member of the Poultry Association of Nigeria - Kaduna Chapter.

The Venerable Imade resides in Kaduna, Kaduna State, Nigeria.